08 July, 2007

Original Post date: 5/1/07 - Better stand tall when they're calling you out; Don't bend don't break, baby don't back down.

Anywho, My old cell phone kicked the bucket and that's not cool because I loved that thing! You have no idea how much abuse that phone has endured since it became mine. But as usual, all [good] things must come to an end. Now I'm undecided between a BlackBerry Pearl, 8800 or a Palm Treo 750. Before you go thinking I'm a phone snob, err wait, I am but that's not the point. My not so new position (been at it for about 5 months now), requires me to have this kind of phone. Because of course, any other phone won't be able to handle being on call for the rest of my natural life I continue my career there. But since my phones were working, I kinda just shrugged it off and well, now I get to have a shiny new toy to play with. I am however, am the only one getting a [smart] phone. Hehe, can we say my sister and husband are going to be pissed off? Oh well.

How to know your husband really adores you and your techie-ness to no end (or how to know you're going to die ASAP)? He comes home with the plasma tv, 1000w surround sound system and dSLR you've been coveting for a while. No, I did not throw out the tv and surround system we have in the living room. This is for the bedroom, thank-you-very-much. Then again he owed me a new camera after the last camera incident lol. As for the TV and sound system, well let's just say that the TV that was in my bedroom at my parent's house once upon a time, had seen better days. I got that TV at the same time the Sega Dreamcast had come out. I know, because I was one of the idiots who picked it up at EB Games on release date. I was overdue for an upgrade. No really, I was. When the power button is pushed in and it won't work and your remote is being held together but crazy glue on the sides, it's time to upgrade.

Somethings I will never have the answers for but for those that I do, all I can say is that people are people and those that think that the world owes them or are miserable will do anything to drag you to their level and make you miserable as well. I never have and never will reduce myself so low as to debase myself with that kind of negativity. I'm better than that; Always have been, always will be.